It's important to mention that every superstition has it's own origin and history. Home; Talween; Adorn; New Arrival; Blogs; About Us; Contact; Cart 0; Back to the top. Essay on Superstitions in India (300 Words) Superstitions are impulsive believes in supernatural powers that don’t have any acceptable explanations. all of its cells. Put simply; superstitions are sheer myths. When a person watches two sparrows, it is believed that he will have abundant joy. I guess not. The girl was so persuaded of this that she was wondering if the gift grantor was ignorant of the facts, thoughtless or a secret enemy, intending great harm to come to her sister. Illiterate and weak-minded people all over the world often are a prey to superstitions. I have always been amazed and often amused at people's belief in superstitions. Though humans have been using science to explain natural phenomena since the time of the Ancient Greeks, people still believe in and choose to practice superstitions. Superstitions do not arise from any concrete evidence or proofs, but instead are a cause of our ignorance and misunderstanding. The reason for him failing is that he did not study properly or seriously. Superstitions are just passed like ancestral property from one generation to the other. Contact Us +92-21-38897223 [email protected] TASNEEM SHAMIM. For example some common superstitions are that thirteen is an unlucky number, if a black cat crosses one’s path, some misfortune will befall the person whose path was crossed; if one sneezes before beginning a new job, it shall not be completed without any problem, etc. Their lives are ruled by them and they base their actions on the various superstitious beliefs. It can also be categorized as natural or common phenomenon that may or may not implicate the presence of supernatural individuals or occurrences. Another superstition is that if a person dies of drowning, some spirits await him. is a free service that lets you to preserve your original articles for eternity. The reason behind it is that it takes the body 7 years- time to renew itself, i.e. Superstitions can never been relied upon. Instead, take your luck in your own hands. All this has led to a great build-up of not so great superstition. Each country also has its own variations on common superstitions. Why 7 years? CBSE Sample Papers 2021 for Class 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 & Numerous causes lead to superstitions securing a place in the minds of individuals, but the most substantial reason for it is illiteracy. 340 Words Essay on Morning Walk. The first way includes a change in one’s mindset. Even in other countries of the world, superstitions are believed in. "superstition." They are not victims of ignorance. Free Superstition Essays and Papers. Essay on Importance of Library . They usually consist of a small wooden hoop covered with a net or web of natural fibres, with meaningful sacred items like feathers and beads attached, hanging down from the bottom of the hoop.... From soothsayers to stormy nights, William Shakespeare found a way to incorporate superstition, omens, and the theme of fate into the famous scenes of his political play, Julius Caesar. Someone strolling at night and make a wish on a shooting star cannot tell who or what might hear his or her wish and make it come true. But all of this is no more than mere superstition. In short, superstition means blind belief. In short, a person can never progress in life if his approach to things is not objective. Superstitions and belief in them are only due to the fact that man believes in some power beyond his comprehension which influences his life. Their lives are ruled by them and they base their actions on the various superstitious beliefs. Required fields are marked *, Copyright © 2020 | About | ToS | Privacy Policy | Disclosure | Contact | Sitemap. Your email address will not be published. Once these events occur, it becomes difficult for the superstitious person to continue with his work. 10/02/14. All the articles you read in this site are contributed by users like you, with a single vision to liberate knowledge. MegaEssays, "superstition.,", (accessed October 15, 2020). There are many superstitions that Indians cling to. She was really shocked by the fact that someone had given her sister, as a gift, an expensive kitchen knife. Their lives are ruled by them and they base their actions on the various superstitious … One shouldn’t become a slave to superstition. These are baseless beliefs that have been inculcated in us from ages. This gives him a chance to put the blame on something else rather than to own up to the fact that he just didn’t study well enough. She seemed to me to be on the point of tears. Wow, you’re going to come in possession of a lot of money! 4. The reason why Friday, the 13th is considered to be the unluckiest day is because of two reasons. But instead, he might end up thinking and telling others that his failure is attributable to the fact that a black cat crossed his way earlier in the day. They are not the victims of ignorance. But Superstition in India is a serious worry for the development of the country. © 2002-2020 They have unraveled many mysteries and removed a number of superstitions. Don’t cut your nails at night, wait for some time before stepping outside if you or someone around you has just sneezed, your left palm is itching? In my country of Mexico, there’s a lot of superstition of all kinds. They are irrational beliefs that people have since decades and centuries. 5. It is said that breaking a mirror brings you 7 years of bad luck. The difference is that India is still more given to superstitions while these are fast disappearing in other countries except in a very few backward ones. Though one must not be too much governed by them otherwise every moment of life would be full of anxiety and tension. Article shared by. Words: 609 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 36572850. Checkout English Summary's free educational tools and dictionaries. Know the concrete logical reason behind them and then only follow them for the right reason only. Men with such a bent of mind do not believe in fiction. A superstition is an irrational fear of what is unknown or mysterious, especially in connection with religion. A superstition is an irrational fear of what is unknown or mysterious, especially in connection with religion. How many times in our daily lives have we heard things like these? Superstitions Essay in English “A belief which leaves no place for doubt is not a belief; it is a superstition.” ~ Jose Bergamin Don’t cut your nails at night, wait for some time before stepping outside if you or someone around you has just sneezed, your left palm is itching? When certain events seem to transpire without any apparent logical explanation, it is often chalked up to superstition. In fact, he should lead people out of ignorance into the light of belief and knowledge. They tend to interpret every phenomenon irrationally. This has caused readers to question the purpose and importance of omens and portents in the... M. Sherman's Explanation to Superstitions, Understanding the Psychology of Superstition, The Incorporation of Superstition, Omens, and the Theme of Fate in Julius Caesar, a Play by William Shakespeare. Liu,Stella. Superstition 341 Words | 2 Pages. Even in other countries of the world, superstitions are believed in. In short, a person can never progress in life if his approach to things is not objective. In Superstitious people can be called backward. 3. How many of us are dreadful of Friday, the 13th? They assess a happening illogically and even guide their actions on the basis of these beliefs. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below. He then later finds out that he failed his mathematics exam. And second, people believe that Jesus was crucified on a Friday. (1969, December 31). The more educated a person becomes, the more he or she starts differentiating between what is real and what are lies.

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