Consider its ways and be wise. I’m doing good, Mary Jo. Content Guidelines 2. Mary Jo: Take, for example, a person who performs only a single task in a shoe factory. These guidelines can be interpreted in various ways, and I think that’s why we thought today’s message was so important, but also gives a lot of room for interpretation. We, therefore, see that a money system clearly has advantages over a barter system. Ah, that’s great. This is Bob Barber. You know Bob, there’s another scripture from Luke 14:28-30 that I think illustrates these points very well, “But don’t begin until you count the cost. All right, I’ve got a good old country boy story for this one. This example, of course, is rather ridiculous but what it points out is that anything can be money as long as it is generally acceptable as such. It’s a tool for us to use for our needs. I was a stranger and you invited me in. If revenue, then revenue. Mary Jo: Grow – Saving and growing your monies is the only way to achieve long-term goals. Bob: Are you ready to learn how to apply biblical wisdom to everyday financial decisions? Then the last six of those are financial freedom, charitable giving, freedom from debt, lifestyle choices, family needs, and possibly helping someone else start a business or starting one yourself. In other words, the use of money permits postponement of spending from the present to some future occasion. Bob: You know when you live in debt and beyond your means, it can create such turmoil. And I like the scripture from Matthew 25:35-40 where it’s really talking and speaking to us about our giving and here’s what it says, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. Thus, people are enabled to com­pare different prices and thus see the relative values of different goods and services. The most modern type of money today is cryptocurrency. We’ll go into this or that city and spend a year there, carry on business, and make money. Thus, money provides the most efficient means of satisfying wants. Simply put, every dollar you earn can go to one of five places: Below is a table and pie chart of a sample Five Uses of Your Money, as well as the ideal ranges for each category. The reality is that we are all paying some form of taxes, and some more than others. or H.D.F.C. Or when we have a tough time come along, we may not have that money to save at that point, but during the good times, you need to be putting aside, and this is a scriptural guideline. All right, so this young man, he drives up the hill to the top of this beautiful farm and ranch that this Christian farmer and rancher has built over the years. Absolutely. Live – These dollars are your lifestyle expenses, the provisions you make for yourself and your family. This type of system also enables specialisation to extend. It’s not for us to judge on how someone spends their money. We’re first going to explore the four daily uses of money and then look at six uses of money for setting longterm goals. Who We Help In other words, it is quite obvious that money can only act effectively as a store of value if its own value is stable. Mary Jo: Because when you take out debt, again, you’re presuming upon the future. I was sick and you looked after me. We want to base everything that we say today when we talk about the 10 uses of money on scriptural guidelines, that everything has a scripture to go with it and that we’re not taking anything out of context. When did we see you a stranger and invite you in or needing clothes and clothe you? (2) Business people can keep records of in­come and costs in order to work out their profit and loss figures. These are your excess funds that you allocate to any sort of investment strategy. Bob: The implication is that money is used to measure and record financial transactions as also the value of goods or services produced in a country over time. Cryptocurrencies, such as ethereum and bitcoinhave become extremely popular. Thus, when goods are bought on hire-purchase, they are given to the buyer upon payment of a deposit, and he then pays the remaining amount in a number of installments. So I’m going to go through these 10 real quick and then we’ll end up the program. For example, if the baker who supplied the green-grocer with bread had to take payment in onions and carrots, he may either not like these foodstuff or he may have sufficient stocks of them. Mary Jo: There’s the four daily uses of money, which are live, give, owe, and grow. Debt. Ron Blue Library LLC 2015 When he gets on top of this hill, they go stand down on his porch, and this young man looks at this farmer and says, it is unbelievable how beautiful this is and what God has done here on this farm and ranch. Demonstrate financial maturity by giving up today’s desire for tomorrow’s benefit. And remember it’s not money that is evil, but it’s the love of money. “For I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Bob: If you can embrace and understand your Five Uses of Money, as well as the other concepts we will cover in this 5-part series, you will be able to achieve contentment under all economic conditions, confidence in decision making, and ultimately maximize the negotiability of your time, talent and money. Down along the beach road there are probably two or three properties that have a foundation sitting there with no house, and they’ve been there for years. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. What is that one? Privacy Policy3. Mary Jo: I know some of the biggest givers, when I say percentage of their income – some that are given away 40, 50, 60% of their income – that live in some of the biggest houses and drive some of the biggest cars. Mary Jo: In Proverbs 27:1-2, “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. Investing your money wisely is crucial to getting the most return on your time and effort. According to J. R. Hicks, gross national product is a collection of goods and services reduced to a common basis by being measured in terms of money. loan; most business dealings permit payment in the future for goods delivered now; and employees wait for a month or a week to receive their wages and salaries. So we’ve covered the four daily uses. When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you and the King will reply, Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” The power of giving breaks that stronghold that can have over us. 5533 South 27th St., Suite 201 What do you think about that one? That is really what we talk about when we talk about savings. That brings us to the second use of money for setting longterm goals, and that’s charitable giving. Giving first, taxes next, and so on. The following points highlight the top six functions of money. Note the first five words in our definition – “anything which is generally acceptable.” We use notes and coins to buy things but can do so only as long as shop­keepers and traders are prepared to accept those notes and coins in payment for the goods they are selling. Afterwards, Bob and Mary Jo discuss the 6 uses of money when it comes to setting long term financial goals. Even a fifth, you know, that was 20% of the harvest during those good years. Disclaimer Copyright, Share Your Knowledge We’ve had a lot of discussion over this topic. It’s such a source of conflict within relationships. Debt always mortgages the future. “If you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched from under you.” That’s strong. by Trey Pittenger | Oct 27, 2015 | P&A Articles | 0 comments. So Mary Jo, we’ve covered the four daily uses of money. Learn about planning opportunities, our thoughts on the markets, and many other empowering topics. The money value of goods and services produced in an economy in an accounting year is called gross national product. If you can embrace and understand your Five Uses of Money, as well as the other concepts we will cover in this 5-part series, you will be able to achieve contentment under all economic conditions, confidence in decision making, and ultimately maximize the negotiability of your time, talent and money. Mary Jo: You’ve been listening to Christian Financial Perspectives. There is nowhere in scripture that it says it’s a sin to borrow money, but it has given us warnings and that is what the scripture that Mary Jo shared with you says, if you lack the means to pay, be very careful with the use of debt. In 1 Timothy 5, he talks about to providing. Lincoln, NE 68512, Phone & Email He wanted to save some wheat each week for future consumption. The baker would, therefore, have to re-sell the product which would take time and be very inconvenient. Under the barter system, it is very difficult to measure the value of goods. Share Your Word File If, for example, most people feel that their savings would become worthless very soon, they would spend them at once and save nothing. But if we don’t do anything with it, it’s not going to grow. That’s right, and we definitely want to avoid that. So we started off the program, and we talked about the 10 uses. If all sellers decided that they would no longer accept these notes and coins, then these would cease to be money. Our once-a-month email is designed to cover topics that impact your financial life, whether you’re just starting out, mid-career, or enjoying retirement. If you owe taxes, pay taxes. Schedule a complimentary 15 minute phone call. Money. So it’s like you say, it’s not for us to judge those lifestyle choices, but in setting a longterm goal, it does enable you to decide what lifestyle choice you want to live. For purposes of the pie chart below, we are referencing income taxes (federal, state, Medicare, & Social Security). Whether their popularity continues over the long term is anybody’s guess. Bob, you used the word illegal. So we’ve been focusing on the four daily uses of money, but with savings and growing, it kind of really sets the stage for six longer-term uses of money and that’s really to help us set up for longterm goals.

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