I have some Hainan kinam and it is very nice. Is this tree akyaratree? Kinam was already part of their culture before the USA even existed! Reading this you realize these texts werent meant for teaching and, as youll discover after youve smelled it, the scent of kyara is strikingly simple in its beauty. And to find the same caliber kinam thats a different challenge altogether. Great reading and from my limited listening experience I certainly wouldn't disagree one bit. It's like an oud oil that is sweetish, otherworldly floral-fruity, with a shimmering twang that's not camphoric. Asyou can see, these are sold kyara chunks,notthe tiny shavings most ofus are at best able to get our hands on So hope that helps. We gave our guests a Japanese kyara pellet to chew on. Her candle, made in collaboration with Rewined, features notes of orange, grapefruit, pink peppercorn, neroli, and orange blossom. Its length of projection an insanely awesome oil, oud lovers need to figure out a way to have a tiny bit in their scent library. You can order four unique kinds right now and know more than anyone stuck in them charts will in a decade speculating about what this bitter note is theyre talking about. The Japanese hold that kinam only originates in Vietnam, Hainan and parts of Cambodia while the Chinese have identified kinam in various other agarwood-growing regions. As an example, Qi Nam Khmer did not smell likekyara, but it was the rarest Cambodian profile I have experienced to date. What may smell supreme to one vendor might very well send you to the nearest sink to reach for the soap. Much appreciated! All he says is: That is Kinam.. You might think, but the Japenese and Chinese differ themselves, so why should I care about what you and your sifus think? True. This is a must.Rasoul / Canada, So I tried Nha Trang and Kyara side by side. I encourage oud heads to secure .3 grams of this oil for it is unlike anything else. I love the kinam note. You order will contain kinam pellets, like this: This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Kinam was already part of their culture before the USA even existed! The trees frequently become infected with a parasite fungus or mold, Phialophora parasitica, and begin to produce an aromatic resinin response to this attack. I don't know if it's the name, but I swear, it's got a bit of bitter chocolate going on, my brain wanders. You dont need to know anything about incense to know that these sticks are special. Sweet -- Resembles the smell of honey or sugar. There is a rusted iron/alloy workshop scent that is both odd and yet enjoyable. If youve heard the term kyara a million times, butnothing comes to mind, take a look at the pictures in this post. Some even get hung up about the sinensis distinction, without having smelled either kinam OR sinensis. Its like not being able to tell the difference between goat yogurt or cows, or the difference between Thai oud and Maroke. It lingers in the corners of a room for at least an hour for me, and is rich, damp, loamy, dark. Between my Chinese mentors, our mad Taiwanese kyara guru, and all these years chasing the kyara dragons piercing breath, I believe weve got the dragon in a corner. Thank you for taking the time to write this. This stands in stark contrast to the Baieido official stance on the subject, which I have discussed at length way back in the day with David Oller. Just as you would, when talking about kinam, at least have an industry-standard reference like Baieidos on hand (eg. Thats a good indication of a premium incense, and its one of the things that makes people willing to pay more. Kinam is hyped up so much because few know what theyre talking about. Kinam is hyped up so much because few know what theyre talking about. For those who deal in kinam, collect kinam, or routinely indulge in kinam, there is no confusion. There is a bright, almost electric, mineral note that is sublime and that I have not found in anything referred to as aloeswood without kyara no matter how rich or deep (e.g. Its not marketing. Hell point to different batches of wood and tell you: This is Yunnan, that ones Maluku; over here youve got sinking Port Moresby But ask him about those nuggets way at the top and he doesnt tell you where its from. Fantastic write up, I enjoyed reading. These are obviously different methods, but its remarkable how true Kyara is to its name. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Let me repeat that:No oneknows what constituteskyara. I then gave them a swipe of oud and asked them to go back and forth between the taste on their tongueand the smell on their wrist. Thatsthe kinam youre getting in this kit. Or the occasions I need its calming and centering presence. I am totally in love with both oils. Bacterial vaginosis It gets more tricky when you hear that kinam doesnt even need to be agarwood! It quickly becomes a big ole clean white floral. WebAll the line of DI SER smells very very natural, and when I say natural I mean Botanical. Sit with a Chinese agarwood collector as he shows you his collection. I have some incredible Hainan Kinam skins that I burn Monkoh style quite regularly. Kyara was the 2400th most popular girls name. The generation who first discovered kyara only knew it as one thing. Kyara defines what I do and Kyara is not only as close to kyara an oud oil can get, but one that takes you beyond the wonder of the wood into the labyrinth wonderland of oud oil where red kinam smells green smells purple smells more, all at once. They are the ones I learned from, smelled from, and got my kinam from. Instead of philosophizing about what it is, is not, or ought to be Borneo Kinamshows you what it IS. The yardstick that gets branded into your minds nose after drinking one too many cups of kinam tea, chewing one too many cuts of chinan, and lighting up way too many of those Hainan skins. Six countries): Kyara, Manaban, Rakoku, Manaka, Sumotara, and Sasora. To me, and especially these guys, its crystal clear what kinam is, is not, or ought to be. Klee smells burnt (because she plays with bombs) Jean smells like flowers. JavaScript is disabled. When was the last time youve seen any kind of Chinese agarwood for sale anywhere? The perfume has a central note of pure and extremely difficult to distill Kyara Agarwood. Were no longer talking sinking-grade here, or about an untapped jungle. Theres agarwoodand then theresKINAM. Were no longer talking sinking-grade here, or about an untapped jungle. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Nha Trang is already many fold over Royal Guallam and right there as the no 1 spot, yet the complexity of Kyara is beguiling; thanks to all the wood studies, that cohesive, united yet discernible individual notes of Hainan, red Cambodi and Vietnam are a joy to study in this oil. But theres no mystery about its smell. Fresh, delicate rose petals, floating on a current of sunshine and citrus opening into a deep whirlpool of kyara oil and woods. Its beautiful, therapeutic and an experience.Brian / USA. WebIts not particularly high grade wood but the blend is perfect and the scent is rich and clear. How do I know what version of Lync CU I have? Its pieces like these that Irecognise as kyaratheir smellwhen burned, their taste when chewed, themouth numbingsharpness of their GREEN. It is a heavy metal and has a silvery-white appearance. We use cookies to deliver you the best experience possible. Youknow its nonsense, buthereally believed this and taught it as truth. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The Aloeswood is excellent for what it is and it's really the 'afterscent' that gets this one for me. One of the longest-lasting oils to date. Only bizarre thing is a subtle to moderate note of grilled steak served blue. https://www.kyarazen.com/enjoying-kyara-through-mon-koh/. Special gift of nature handled very well by man to coax all the beauty and genius out. The name derives from Miuccia Pradas family nickname, and was established as a more youthful, playful and affordable alternative to the Prada line. TLDR: Extraordinary (4.9/5). Sore as hell and in pain. Just how I like my Aloeswood. How long does the smell linger for most of the Minorien incense sticks? Proof? WebCertainly the Kyara is the bigger and deeper scent, with a rich dark woody quality in addition to the ethereal camphoric and green qualities a lot going on, and all of it so enjoyable WebCrack has an unpleasant smell when its smoked its said to smell like a mixture of chemicals and burning plastic. WebTaylor Swift has collaborated with many different brands to create signature scents and a candle. It's scientific name is Aquilara Malaccensis Lam. It has been brought up time and again that using the term Kyarain naming oud oils is misleading and inappropriate. Kyara is a particular odor WebFragrance notes. Shiragoromo, which means veil of the goddess, in truth is a very unisex fragrance. A teacher in Jordan once told his students about oud and why its so rare and expensive. Today, Ranjatai belongs to the Royal family of Japan. Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Others believe that one mans kinam is simply anothers sinensis. Is kyara the most beautiful fragrance ever? Enough with the charts and ancient descriptions. [:p], This dude has got not just a Rolls-Royce, hes got a whole fleet of them. One thing Ive learned is that many people who talk about kinam have not smelled kinam; not even the offerings by established Japanese houses. Argon gas holds it back. I get it, though. I have learned that aloeswood has a huge taste range and each new sample extends the vocabulary a bit. Seriously, how far will this get you? This must be it. If whatever-piece-of-wood fulfills certain scent characteristics, it gets the label. It is How does it smell? WebArsenic as such does not have garlic odor and foods high in arsenic, such as rice, chicken, fish, beer and wine do not smell like garlic. Along with the odor, discharge may be greenish-yellow, and you may Its tough to beat a place called Pleasantville. The magazine picked Los Angeles as the top smelling city while Paris ranked the worst. The leakage causes a foul-smelling discharge. Unless youre extremely well connected in Japanese and Chinese kyara circles, youll probably waste a ton of time and a lot of money hunting for individual sources. Its not about Grade A or AAA or Super King. The truth is, while kyara is made out to be a mystery, its not. In serious pain and agony tonight after an earlier long session of prolo therapy in my back. Bitter -- Resembles the smell of bitter herbal medicine when it is mixed or boiled. Im not offering you a mystery: We have kyara as identified by kyara experts in Japan and China, and sold as kyara by the most respected authorities in the field. Thats what I learned from my teacher. Harvested at only 85 years, the resin has not hardened to the degree of being identified as incense grade agarwood, let alonekyara. The first time I put the tiniest sliver on the heater, I was expecting wafts of plumy twang or a darker shade of New Guinea filaria. When you want to learn about samurai swords, who do you seek out a guy in Iowa or a master in Osaka? They are worth every single penny. Powerful but poised. Visit Baieido or Shoyeido and buy their kinam. Miu Miu has staged shows in Milan, New York, and London, showing in Paris since 2006. At that level, there is nothing really better, just different. The Kyara Kit is a testament to this legacy. Its energy. Despite how hungry some fakesters are to make a buck, they know theres too much Borneo wood around to compare his Borneo kinam to and get exposed. They may not have checked after shipping as regularly as a buyer may. That's why I have a lot of Edps, EOs(essential oils), Agarwood, Oudh, Incense, Kyara, Sandalwood, perfume oils/attars, Musk, Ambergris, resins, etc. For those who deal in kinam, collect kinam, or routinely indulge in kinam, there is no confusion. WebWhat does Kyara smell like? We gave our guests a Japanese kyara pellet to chew on. There was once only one kind of car. Scents like lemon and orange are not only well-known for their Vitamin C properties, but simply sniffing the fruit can help boost energy and alertness. This legend comes from an ancient Chinese book on incense, but today most aloeswood comes from infected trees that, although in the process of decaying and dying, are still standing. I wont blame you if you disagreeour skin chemistries are different. At first, I thought it was a pot smell and something young oils show. WebOne thing you do learn from ancient descriptions of kyara is the simplicity: kinam is bitter or smells like a monk. I took a couple of small pieces and made a true Kinam tincture with perfumers alcohol. The resin of a tree from a natural fungal attack and immune response is commonly known as agar #1. On the opening, I see the Hainan notes clearer than before and the narcotic Cambodi bitterness. Kyara This is the most famous and well known of all Aloes wood some believe to come from either Vietnam or Cambodia. I dont buy the claim that kinam is a modern marketing tool, but I do get why people say this. With their gums and tongues numb, I asked them to savor the taste of the kyara, breathe it in and let the green medicinal brainfreeze run through their noseand into their forehead. The olfactory antidote to the stresses of living in a time of great disharmony and uncertainty around the world, Kyara is very probably the most beautiful fragrance I have ever smelled. They are the ones I learned from, smelled from, and got my kinam from. Reading this you realize these texts werent meant for teaching This and Royal Kynam are simply the finest oud oils Ive ever smelled. Dogs can be trained to smell several types of cancers, including melanoma, breast and gastrointestinal cancers and some infectious diseases in humans, including malaria and Parkinsons disease. This is surrounded by delicate natural notes of Japanese Rose, sandalwood, patchouli and hinoki (Japanese cedar) . The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of cinnamaldehyde as a flavoring agent for direct addition to food. Not only that, youre getting the Vietnamese kinam for CHEAPER than buying from the Japanese houses directly (currently, $246/gr LESS to be exact). Kyara Saiko). That is the best I can do to describe how it feels. Duringthe 2017 OudFest, we did a blind test. It induces a state of trance. In 2020 there were only 72 baby girls named Kyara. It is firing on all cylinders. WebMercury does not have a smell. WebIt smelled nothing like Burmese oud, and had none of the 'barnyard' characteristics of Chinese oud. Humbly speaking, if I was Ensar I would limit the purchase of an oil like this to .5 gr per customer. Kinam is hard to find if you dont know where to look, and its expensive wherever its found. Were in 2022 folks. The sweetness mixes in with the other spices in the mixes and isnt really my favorite take on Kyara. Ants smell the chemicals that make up odors with olfactory receptors on their antennae. It was as if time stood still. Miu Miu is the sister label to Prada, and was founded in 1992 by Miuccia Prada. It's often associated with relaxation and meditation, and is rich, woodsy, and smooth without being overpowering. The kyara note joins the party and takes center stage 30 minutes or so after application. The best quality is Kyara, which comes in four types: Green, Iron, Purple, and Black. What a remarkable scent. The damp note So how should it be that every facet of every fragrance be experienced identically by radically different beings? Because it just does; Chokoh too. And you spend your very life trying to echo its smell again and again as your thoughts verge on the artistic abyss and OCD is as much a blessing as it is a curse. Edited by Scents of Earth. Hmm. Hainan kinam !! Hell point to different batches of wood and tell you: This is Yunnan, that ones Maluku; over here youve got sinking Port Moresby But ask him aboutthosenuggets way at the top and he doesnt tell you where its from. What I aim to accomplish in naming an oil Kinam or Kyarais one of two things. Is it akyaratree? But theres no mystery about its smell. But I also have purchased multiple from most vendors on this forum, several based on their personal recommendations to me. Testament to this legacy repeat that: no oneknows what constituteskyara plays with bombs ) Jean smells flowers! Experience.Brian / USA makes people willing to pay more prolo therapy in my.! Sticks are special a guy in Iowa or a master in Osaka before the USA even existed she. What constituteskyara the occasions I need its calming and centering presence and had none of the that... Kyarais one of the Minorien incense sticks she plays with bombs ) smells. 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