Prof Jackson says it was at this point Ryan changed his plans. Angrily, Ryan climbed out of the car and shot five bullets into the boot. The mother-of-four, 38, from Kent . Terrified, crying and huddled against the wall, she begged him not to kill her. Whether Mrs Ryan truly believed her son's imaginings is impossible to tell. Prof Craig Jackson, a psychologist who specialises in spree killers, thinks there was also a sexual motive. Bernard was the tenth fatality on that bloody Wednesday. He told people he had served in the Second Parachute Regiment of the British armed forces, that he was getting married, and that he owned a gun shop. Ryan walked past a young boy, Dean Lavisher, without seeming to notice him, but fired at another boy riding past on his bicycle, Dean Cadle, thankfully missing him. It was one of the young Ryan's favourite places, where he enjoyed tracking wildlife through the undergrowth and practising survival skills. As he went along Priory Road, Ryan stopped at the home of Myrtle and Victor Gibbs, whose door was, as usual, locked. Ryan had killed 16 people, including his mother, and wounded 15 others. It seemed that whilst he was in the midst of a murderous rampage, he still felt the need to protect children. 14 - Myrtle Gibbs Their pictures were a grim account of the trail of destruction and death that Ryan had left in his wake. As he drove the three-and-a-half miles a news report came on the radio about a suspected armed robbery at a petrol station in Froxfield. At 6.52 pm, Brightwell heard a single muffled shot from the classroom. One man was injured. Then he tore his heartfelt letter up. Her training with St John Ambulance had led her to believe she could not have been shot, as bullets typically leave a large exit wound. She was fully clothed but riddled with bullets. Mrs Jackson had known Ryan all of his life. "We cope by taking every day as it comes. Ryans school friend remembers his mother would buy the boy whatever he wanted, but his father "couldnt be played" and "wore the trousers" in the house. "The tourist buses would just park where they usually did and then people used to come up here on foot," Trevor Jackson says. While Ryan roamed Hungerford, murdering and maiming people he'd known for years, a woman lay dead in Savernake Forest. If there is a shooting elsewhere in the world, he braces himself for his phone to ring. Their inability to defend themselves against their bullies means that shame, guilt, anger, hate and the need for revenge builds inside them. Some more minor details of that fateful day in 1987 vary in the different accounts but all agree that it will remain in memory as one of the worst gun crimes in British history.Sir Charles Pollard, Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police from 1991 2001, commented, The realisation that this could happen in fun-loving England, where we dont have guns and the police arent armed it changed policing and it changed society forever.. She managed to drag herself into her house and survived. He also had a more sinister motivation for visiting the woodland. Semi-automatic rifles Ryan used during his rampage. Sandra Hill, who'd moved away from the town, was visiting former school friends. Police surrounded the school building and Brightwell worked to establish communication with Ryan and ultimately to persuade him to surrender. As smoke filled the air from Ryans burning house, more people were hiding inside their homes. An only child, Michael Robert Ryan was born on 18 May 1960 in the Savernake hospital, Hungerford. Classmates remember he was quiet, seemed shy, "kept himself to himself" and was keen on the military. Every single time.". They had heard the sounds of the shots being fired and were terrified. As Mr White turned his Toyota Crown into South View, he was shot in the head and died instantly. Back at the police station, PC Wainwright was told his mother had been taken to hospital in Swindon. Later that night, the clear-up began. Betty Tolladay, 71, had heard loud bangs, and thinking it was children playing with firecrackers, had come out into her back garden to shout at them to keep the noise down. "There were no big wounds at the back of Lisa's legs. Find out how you can get the latest news from BerkshireLive delivered straight to your inbox. The Jacksons remember him as being a model-railway enthusiast and "a lovely man who would help you with anything". He says he was helped by a discovery made at the post-mortem examination - that his father had developed lung cancer. He liked to think of himself as a soldier, skilled at surveillance without being seen himself. On 19 August 1987, the 27-year-old loner was in licensed possession of two shotguns, three pistols and two semi-automatic rifles. He later died of shock and haemorrhage from the bullet wound to his neck. I later realised that was because the bullets were still in her. The damage to Michael Ryan's house after he set fire to it. "I went to help and she said Michael Ryan had shot her. He was still labouring under the impression that there might have been a shooting accident. The Round Table helped by providing funds for taxis, rents, television rentals and other services. It was on August 19 1987 that loner and gun fanatic Michael Ryan went on a shooting rampage in Hungerford, a market town in Berkshire. Sandra Hill, was shot while driving; Jack and Myrtle Gibbs, were shot in their home in Priory Road; and Ian Playle was shot while driving into Hungerford on a shopping trip with his wife and two children. "In fact, I first thought it was another lad who lived there. 8 - Francis Butler Kahn died later of his wounds. When Ryan was old enough, he purchased a shotgun and began to collect other weapons, which he proudly displayed in a glass cabinet in his bedroom. "I effectively put myself on duty and thought because of my local knowledge I could show the armed response team the back routes around the town. Everyone remembers the silence. He uses it against the people he has grown up with and against the unarmed police that are called. Read about our approach to external linking. "He used to say he could follow anyone and they wouldnt notice," said the friend. After killing his mother, Ryan walked across the school playing field, firing randomly. Two more vehicles driving along the road were shot at. Either way, the mourning period for an entire town was still to be endured.The Reverend David Salt received countless communications of support and offers of help poured in to the Hungerford vicarage. It was being chased up the road by Michael Ryan. Armed with an automatic rifle, a pistol and at least one. This Wednesday was no different, with the schools on holiday, many people were taking advantage of the good weather. Ryan picked up the picnic groundsheet and ordered Susan to walk with him into the woods. Helicopters were hovering over Hungerford. Watched by neighbours, he went into the house and muffled shots were heard. It also transpired that there were several unfortunate incidents encumbering the response by the police and other emergency services to the events on 19 August 1987. She ducked below her counter just as a bullet pierced the safety glass above it and ricocheted through the small shop behind her. Ryan was a shy child with a keen interest in the military. Mrs Gibbs died several days later, in hospital. When, in March 1996 Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 schoolchildren and their teacher in the Stirling town of Dunblane, Trevor Wainwright decided to write to the Scottish police. A few moths before the massacre, Ryan joined the Tunnel Rifle and Pistol Club, in Wiltshire. A car drove towards Ryan and he shot both occupants. Without replying, Ryan shot his mother twice in the stomach and once in the leg. He explained who he was and his experience, and offered sympathy. "I rushed back to check on Jane and on the way I saw smoke coming up from South View [a nearby street]. Other victims included Susan Godfrey, of Reading, who was killed while picnicking with her children; Roland and Sheila Mason, who were killed in their home; Kenneth Clements, who was shot while walking to Hungerford Common. The Hungerford Massacre was a spree shooting that took place in Hungerford, England, United Kingdom, on August 19, 1987. ', "She told me to get my arse straight down there. Many were attended by people who had never known the deceased in life, but wished to show support for their families and the bereaved Hungerford community in general. The smiling Ryan shot 11 rounds from his semi-automatic at another car that drove into the street. He got me in my lower back. He then shot her in the back with a Beretta pistol. Whenever they asked me where it all happened I'd say it was down the A4. There he announced that he had commissioned a report on the massacre from the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, Colin Smith. Mr Lepetit said: "I gave him a hand one week, and the next he shot me and set fire to my house.". Leaving school he embarked on a series of casual labouring jobs and was often unemployed. Having created a fort for himself in the Gibbs home, Ryan fired at neighbouring houses, injuring a man at number 62 and a woman at number 67 Priory Road.Ian Playle, a 34-year-old clerk to the Justices at Newbury Magistrates Court, had brought his wife, Elizabeth, and their two young children, Richard and Sarah, to Hungerford on a shopping trip. If this was his plan, it fell to pieces when his car would not restart. Also, he had never before bought so much petrol at one time, making Dean suspicious, so she kept an eye on him.Whilst Dean served another customer, Ian George, Ryan went to the boot of his car and brought out a semi-automatic rifle. The bullet entered her groin, smashed the top of her hip, part of her pelvis and the sciatic nerve, before exiting via her back. Mrs Jackson noticed he was holding a gun in each hand. Two days later, Mr Playle died from his injuries. The help will come from within the community'. Access was blocked for the fire engine called to deal with the fire Ryan had started in his own home and which had already spread to three neighbouring properties. Marcus Barnard, a local taxi driver, had been a father for just five weeks when he was shot dead. He even persuaded the police to grant him a licence to own more powerful firearms. He put some petrol in his car and some in a canister. 7 - Dorothy Ryan Then the nurse came back. hungerford massacre photos. Ryans next victim was Francis Butler, a 26-year-old accounts clerk, out walking his dog in the Hungerford Memorial Gardens. "I told her he had tattoos, was about 6ft 1in and had grey hair. He told his wife to stay indoors with the little girl she was babysitting and headed off to Hungerford town centre, first to a newsagent to buy some maps and then to the police station. He then carries on killing with his legally purchased and licensed Kalashnikov capable of killing at 300 yards. Saturday marks 30 years since Michael Ryan killed 16 people in Hungerford. Ambulance driver Hazel Haslett arrived minutes later. Prof Jackson also considers Ryan was heavily influenced by a mass shooting occurring 10 days earlier in Melbourne, Australia, that was reported on television in the UK. The case of Michael Ryan, who went on a killing spree in the small town of Hungerford, resulting in the murder of 16 people, including his own mother. Mr Playle's blue Ford Sierra crashed after he was shot by Ryan. His father, Alfred Henry Ryan, a government building inspector, was known for being a perfectionist and was 55 when Ryan was born.His mother, Dorothy Ryan, was over 20 years younger than her husband and was 34 when she had her only son. The act banned semi-automatic and pump-action rifles; weapons which fire explosive ammunition; short shotguns with magazines; and elevated pump-action and self-loading rifles. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher visited the village on Thursday, August 20, 1987, the day after the shooting, to pay her condolences. The primary school where Marjorie Jackson was a caretaker had broken up for the summer holidays. The investigation into Mrs Godfrey's death found she had not been raped. Paying no attention to the police or the press, Ryan seemed oblivious to anything other than his hell-bent mission to kill everyone in his path. As the brothers were cleaning up, a reporter burst in. Whilst chatting to a work colleague, the subject of Michael Ryan and the 1987 Hungerford massacre came up. As his wife, Mary, says: "So many of our family were shot that day. Michael Payne (uncredited) Ryan Hanley Surgeon (uncredited) Director Ruki Sidhwa Writer Helen Tonge All cast & crew Production, box office & more at IMDbPro Storyline Edit A look back at the Hungerford Massacre (1987) and its impact on the people who survived to one of the worst tragedies of UK history. It was on August 19 1987 that loner and gun fanatic Michael Ryan went on a shooting rampage in Hungerford, a market town in Berkshire. One of the Tactical Firearms Unit climbed onto the school roof and with a mirror on a long pole, managed to see into the classroom at last. He continually asked about his mother and how she was. Preparing to leave for her grandmothers 95th birthday, Godfrey was packing away the picnic when a grim looking Ryan approached, dressed all in black and pointing a 9mm Beretta pistol at her. All over Berkshire, the funerals that followed the massacre were deeply poignant. The press helicopters were in the way of police trying to track Ryan and this allowed him to get away again. I had been the one to carry out the checks for Ryans firearms licence.". 3 - Kenneth Clements An investigation after the shootings found both Dorothy and Michael Ryan had been overdrawn on their bank accounts - in Dorothy's case largely because she bought her only child a new car every two years. Sent them away.". The report also said the operation was hampered by press helicopters making so much noise it was difficult for police on the ground to hear or relay instructions. "I think she either refused to [have sex] or resisted," he said. The names of the 16 people who were killed are listed on a stone set into the wall of the town's war memorial garden, with no mention of how they died. By this stage, the press had heard of the killing spree and arrived in the area, taking photographs of the dead and wounded, and unethically gaining access to some of the victims houses, by saying they were crime scene personnel. Former mummy blogger Clemmie Hooper is facing a midwifery misconduct hearing - three years after she confessed to trolling other influencers on a gossip forum. The incident prompted the government to change gun laws, banning semi-automatic and pump-action rifles. Then he and his brother Peter went into their home, released the dogs from the cupboard, and started to clean the blood and glass from their kitchen. S02:E03 - Michael Ryan - the Hungerford Massacre. Just after midday, on 19 August 1987, the 27-year-old unemployed Ryan entered a secluded area of Savernake Forest. Were just waiting until life gets back to normal. 33 years ago today, a sleepy Berkshire town was rocked by one of the most shocking mass shootings ever seen in the UK. "Dorothy came past me, and she looked into the car and I remember it as clear as day. Stop it, you stupid bugger!. "He was a good man. A Thames Valley Police report to the Home Office found that - given the limitations imposed by the remote location and the difficulties in radio and telephone communication - the force's response "went well". "I said I needed a bit of help at home but I didn't say what had happened. Routine admissions were cancelled, the X-ray department and the blood bank were put on alert, extra doctors and support staff was made available and the victims started pouring in. "If he did have a sexual crime in mind, then that would have been about control too.". Ryan's mother consistently pandered to her husband and son so Michael saw her as someone who was there to do things for him and essentially serve him - so he felt a sense of entitlement to treat her however he wanted.". Dorothy Ryan, Michaels mother, was a lunchtime supervisor at the primary school where Mrs Jackson worked. I couldnt move my legs. Ms Haslett reversed rapidly and she and her partner escaped with only minor injuries. The local police station had only two working phone lines that day and the police helicopter was being repaired, delaying its deployment. 33 years ago today, a sleepy Berkshire town was rocked by one of the most shocking mass shootings ever seen in the UK. A right little sod. The description of the shootings as a "tragedy" doesnt sit well with Mrs Jackson. "And then I remembered the name. Flowers began arriving at the town hall, where the flag flew at half-mast. Eric Vardy, a carpenter and van driver for Norland Nursery College, was on his way with passenger, Steven Ball, to a builders supplier. The other three ducked down on the floor but Ryan fired at Lisa. The police were not certain if Ryan had shot himself or just fired off a round. The loss affected him profoundly and he became increasingly withdrawn, often going off alone to the shooting range, or working on cars. Knowing his way around the streets, he had tried to drive home by another route. Ryan then shot at an ambulance, shattering its windscreen, as it was trying to reach some of the victims in a narrow lane. The elder Mr and Mrs Wainwright had been about 300 yards from their son's house when Douglas Wainwright was shot in the head and Kathleen Wainwright in the chest and the hand. "At the hospital, where my mum was, everyone who'd been shot had been put into the same ward. I still get dreadful pain in my back. Brightwell answered that he did not know at the time but was attempting to find out, and continued to persuade him to drop his weapons and come outside. Dr Yardley says Ryan would have learned how to treat women from how his father treated his mother. Close to tears, she toured the streets, met with the relatives and visited victims in hospital. Wearing camouflage outfits, he enjoyed sneaking up on picnickers and watching them without their knowledge, before disappearing again. Driver, Linda Bright, immediately put the ambulance into reverse and retreated. The bullet had passed through his skull and shattered his brain. Still shooting, Ryan then walked to the end of the road, went along a footpath and made his way across some playing fields. During the next 90 minutes, Brightwell and Ryan held a long and detailed conversation, during which Ryan seemed quite lucid, calm and easy to talk to. This time, close-up. Emerging from the house, dressed in a headband and sleeveless flak jacket, Ryan carried a bag filled with food and other supplies. Chief Inspector Lambert had sent Sergeant Paul Brightwell and his team of eight officers from the Tactical Firearms Unit to investigate the school, unaware that this was indeed the exact location of the killer. Dorothy Ryan tried to reason with her son. He ordered her to put her children in the car, which she did immediately, strapping them in and telling them to wait there for her, that she would be back soon. But how did the town heal its wounds? She shouted at him, saying, Is that you making that noise? Inside, PC Roger Brereton, a traffic officer who had volunteered to investigate, was slumped against the steering wheel, clearly dead. When he slowed down to see what was happening, Ryan shot him in the head with the AK-47 and he died instantly. Michael Ryan was just so, so insignificant. Her Majesty the Queens private secretary sent a letter of condolence from Buckingham Palace to Mayor Tarry and enclosed a personal contribution from the Queen. The event became known as the Hungerford massacre. "Then he shot her again, twice, in the back, from about four inches away.". The local Hungerford police station was in the process of being renovated and had only two telephone lines working on that day. His wife, who had a bullet in her spine, was not expected to walk again. A single man, unemployed and living with his mother, with no evidence of a romantic or sexual relationship in his life, he perhaps had precious little to be happy about. Ryan, an unemployed handyman, also injured 15 people in the horrific attack before turning the gun on himself. Over 20 mass shootings have occurred in the US since the Columbine High School shooting in 1999. People were sheltering in doorways and I pulled up and asked what was going on. Ryan also killed his family dog and set fire to his house. 20th August 1987. Similarly the Whitings, for years, simply drew their curtains and refused to answer the door. The dust was flying up from the ground around my feet as the bullets hit. Trevor Wainwright says he is "haunted" by his father's death. He's dead. She told him someone was shooting across the back gardens of their road. He believes Ryan would get an illicit sexual thrill during his woodland trips and obtain pleasure and a sense of accomplishment from following and watching people unseen. That summer afternoon Ryan, a 27-year-old unemployed labourer, killed 16 people . Godfreys children watched as he climbed into his car, which was parked next to theirs, and drive away without a word to them. This had been Ryans first victim. They were unable to refuse him as he had no record of mental instability and no criminal record. 9 - Marcus Barnard There was a terrible burning pain. He then asked the time and was silent for a while. On that day, 27-year-old Michael Ryan shot dead sixteen people, including an unarmed police officer and his own mother. After some time, young Hannah unbuckled their seatbelts, so they could go in search of their mother. Ryan has also been documented on internet sites devoted to mass murder. What happened to the Hatton Garden burglars? It was confirmed that Michael Robert Ryan had fatally shot himself at 6.52 pm on Wednesday, 19 August 1987, with a single gunshot to the head. Four houses, including Ryan's home at the far right, were later demolished. Fifteen vehicles were taken away for forensic examination. I was on the floor. 'It's a show that I'm passionate about': Will Mellor on 'Cops Who Kill'. These include Lonewolf: True Stories of Spree Killers (May 2002) by Pan Pantziarka and The Encyclopedia of Mass Murder by Brian Lane and Wilfred Gregg (1993). Although many neighbours described Mr Ryan as a pleasant man, there were rumours he was especially strict with his son. Hazel Haslett escaped with minor injuries. It was calculated that during the most intense period of Ryans rampage, he had killed an average of one person per minute. Ryan then went to Froxtield petrol station, where he was watched by Mrs Kakoub Dean, wife of the owner, as he filled up his metallic silver Vauxhall Astra GTE, as well as a five-litre can. And she said I'm really sorry. But, although the house was cleaned and modernised and made available for them, they could not bear to return. Ambulances lined the main street. That was possibly even worse than hearing it the first time.". document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Ryan looked at her with extremely vacant eyes and a strange grin, before moving off eastwards along a footpath leading to Hungerford Common. Maybe he was distracted; maybe he enjoyed the power of sparing Mrs Wainwright's life. He had lost lots of blood, had bullets in his head and chest, his lung had been shot through and his arm was barely attached to his body. But Ryan had moved. "Perhaps he killed her in panic when she attempted to run away.". "I didnt know by doing that, by asking him to come home, I was just leading them both into danger.". Bob Barclay, a local builder and nearby resident, risking his own life, bravely ran out and dragged Storms from his car, managing to half crouch and half run with Storms into the safety of his garden. Dr Yardley believes Ryan was attempting to wrest some sort of control from society. One of the boys she was with went to fetch his mother, Sylvia Pascoe, a qualified first-aider who lived at No 14. It was during this time that he lost his caretaker job. If only my car had started. George sped off on his motorcycle. Because Ryan burned down his home, any evidence of planning was destroyed. Mrs Wainwright had the presence of mind to get out of the car and cower behind it. Not able to stand by and idly watch people suffer, he had repeatedly risked his life to help a number of victims, giving first aid where he could and solace to those having lost loved ones. It's difficult. His favourite toy was Action Man, the commando-type plastic doll, kitted out with uniforms and weapons. Ryan killed himself at 6.52pm in John O'Gaunt Community Technology College. "And I kept thinking, if it was true that I'd signed my dad's death warrant, it meant I'd also signed all those other people's too. "It was just routine. "It was a massacre," she says. Wouldn't hurt a fly.". Ryan shot Lepetit twice in the arm and once in the back as he fled. But we've stuck by each other.". Lepetit had heard about shooting in his neighbourhood and was hurrying home to check on his family. Pump-Action rifles police helicopter was being repaired, delaying its deployment answer the door for summer. Their knowledge, before disappearing again for visiting the woodland, says: `` So many of our family shot! Toured the streets, he still felt the need to protect children wildlife through the small behind! Marks 30 years since Michael Ryan had shot her again, twice, in.! 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