She plans to get married and stay in Ghana for the long haul. I wouldnt want to even if I had to and again I will say my African brothers and sisters, please let me in. Survey and registration fees are waived for members of the African diaspora. References Akyeampong, E. 2000 Africans in I am over 90% Yoruba DNA. Theyre making it very reasonable, very affordable., That she has never been to West Africa doesnt concern her. My father is from Eritrea and he passed away last year, he said one day I would end up here,Haddish told reporters on the red carpet. +(233) 302 68 44 07, Public Affairs & Communication Unit: Ghana granted citizenship to over 100 African Americans and Afro-Caribbeans as part of Year of Return Ghana president Nana Akufo-Addo poses with his She applied for an #Eritrea/n ID card and granted citizenship at this very touching momemnt of our independence week. Beyonces mother, Tina Knowles-Lawson, Boris Kodjoe and his wife, Nicole Ari Parker, (Toll free for all Networks), PHOTOCOPY OF THE BIOPAGE OF AMERICAN PASSPORT, 5. Whilst some do not hold these perceptions, they are sopervasive to the point that they may inadvertently manifest in later dealing with Africa. Some of us just want to be in an environment where we dont have to look over our shoulders. All enquiries to be sent to BENEFITS When African countries say that African-Americans cannot become FULL citizens because we have not been there for generations, it sounds and is absolutely preposterous! Everyone says, Ghana has its problems, too, she said. The 12 South American countries are Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Uruguay and Guyana. The music publicist fell in love with Accra when she visited in 2018 and planned to return for two months this spring. The cost of the citizenship application (naturalization) is 6,000 GHC( Ghana Cedis) which is equivalent to $980. What they have done is introduced a new status quite like dual citizenship only with more limited privileges than what one would normally associate with dual citizenship. Cabinet Secretary Mahbub Hossain said the number of countries where Bangladeshis were allowed to hold dual citizenship was 57 but expatriates in many other countries wanted the facility. A gay first lady? Ghana Police Service: 191 A status similar to OCI would be suitable and perhaps more palatable for African leaders rather then conceding dual nationality with the same rights as a citizen. This country is your country, and anyone who wants to come to reestablish, connect with us here, is welcome, Akufo-Addo said in 2021. Most came from the United States. LIST OF AFRICAN COUNTRIES WITH DUAL CITIZENSHIP A. Reese is torn between a two-story home with a generous veranda and something more original: a circular model meant to blend with the forest. The rule is rarely enforced, but LGBT activists in Ghana say it fuels discrimination and harassment. Living through a pandemic when your access to water is difficult. Leaders play up other cultural and economic selling points, promoting lower costs, glittering shorelines and early investment opportunities in developing industries. On behalf of the government and people of Ghana, I congratulate you once again on resuming your identity as Ghanaians, President Nana Akufo-Addo said in a speech on Wednesday, Nov. 27. They have been thinking that having a Plan can be a sort of The Form has to be fully completed before submission to the Consulate for HNWIs are widely considering second citizenship as their suitable Plan B or planning for the future. +(233) 302 68 44 21 Kimberly Reese has never visited Ghana, but she is already designing her dream home there. They are the oldest African Americans to be granted citizenship in Ghana. About 500,000 tourists are expected to visit Ghana during the Year of Return; up from the 380,000 that visited in 2018. They visited the dungeon at Osu Castle, where thousands of Africans were held captive before being shipped across the Atlantic into enslavement. Ghana president Nana Akufo-Addo poses with his new fellow citizens. The brothersthatmade upthe 80s band, The boys, moved tothe Gambia a few years back and now operate music studios from Gambia . SAD! Today, roughly 3,000 American expatriates live in Ghana. Her boyfriend is from Ghana. by Certified Africa. Nigerias Tinubu wins presidential election; opposition cries foul, Finland begins building 10-foot-high razor-wire wall along Russian border. As a celebrity, she has helpedbolster the image ofSouth Africa through her link with the school. But brace yourself: The process of obtaining dual citizenship can be quite tedious, fraught with red tape and byzantine rules. In August 2019, actor and producer Samuel L Jackson received Four Or do I want to continue to feel frustrated, sad and disrespected?. #Sherbrocity is coming. Mourners held their own memorial for the slain American in seaside Accra, chanting some of his last words, I cant breathe., We continue to open our arms and invite all our brothers and sisters home, Barbara Oteng Gyasi, Ghanas tourism minister, said at a televised ceremony. CHILDREN BORN IN THE UNITED STATES TO A GHANAIAN PARENT CAN CLAIM GHANAIN CITIZENSHIP. Grammy award-winning rapper, Ludacris is kicking off the new year with dual citizenship. The US allows multiple Citizenship. Most people just have two hence the common term "dual citizenships". Secondly, the US does not require you to renounce your existing citizenship when you naturalize in the US;Third if you are a US citizen who subsequently becomes a citizen of a foreign country; serve in foreign military etc. (se. s. With so much attention on Ghana, you may have missed how other celebrities not The government is also not losing sight of the investment potential and human capital of the highly educated returnees who decide to permanently move to Ghana. We may earn a commission from links on this page. homeland. South Africa hosts the largest population of Indians outside of India (about 1 million) and in some cities, like Durban, they are the largest ethnic minority (See: Indian South Africans). So if my blood brother was kidnapped and taken to a foreign country, does that mean I totally disown him simply because the kidnapping occurred in a country other than his own? Martin Luther King Jr., one of his first guests, told his congregation that Nkrumah had urged them to come and help build the new nation. Minister for the Interior, Purchase of Dual Citizenship Form 10 at the Ministry of the Interior or our Diplomatic Missions abroad, Copies of bio-data page of both Ghanaian and foreign passports, Four (4) recent passport sized photographs, Copy of naturalization certificate from foreign country, Payment of processing fee (to be paid after the process has been completed), Copy of bio-data page of childs Ghanaian and foreign passport, Photocopy of Dual Citizenship card/certificate, Two (2) recent passport sized photographs, Dual Citizenship Application Form 10 GH500.00, Processing Fee GH100.00 (to be paid after the processing has been completed). Guidelines Applicants are required to complete a Dual Nationality Application Form at a cost of $250. As a British dual national you will have the same rights as any other British citizen, including the right to: In spite of these horrific conditions, they SURVIVED AND THRIVED. Newly included 44 countries are Fiji, Egypt, South Africa, Kenya, Algeria, Sudan, Morocco, Ghana, Rwanda, Burundi, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Libya, Congo, Liberia, Central African Republic, Eretria, Gambia, Botswana, Mauritius, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Surinam, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Chili, Uruguay, Guyana, Cuba, African-Americans do not. WebBeing a dual citizen means that you will get the benefits that come with both of your citizenships. It's where the money comes from that for me is important," Tulsa Mayor G.T. Then the pandemic hit, and Ghana suspended international flights. Akufo-Addo had issued an invitation to members of the African diaspora to visit Ghana to mark the Year of Return, commemorating 400 years since the first Africans arrived in the Virginia colony. Likewise, many other Americans are seeking their African roots: Chris Rock- Cameroon, WhoopiGoldberg Guinea Bissau, and Oprah Liberia (Kpelle ethnicity). At the embassy on Tuesday, the survivors completed the citizenship process by swearing an oath of allegiance and signing certification documents. Accra-Ghana, Front Desk: Some officials are hesitant to pay monetary reparations to the victims and their families seeking restitution. "The Justice for Greenwood Foundation was proud to stand in solidarity with the survivors, celebrating their resilience and their contribution to the history of Black Oklahoma," the organization wrote on Facebook. If there is to be any dual citizenship, what I would propose,is to take the route of India. The cabinet approved a proposal on the matter in a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at her office on Monday, according to BSS. In June 2020, this an idea that should be revisited. Ghanas courtship of African Americans has grown from one based mostly on solidarity in the face of black oppression to one also based on business and I feel like a king, Ellis said. Polly craves the rooftops, the ocean, the pineapples she swears are uniquely tasty, the relaxation she rarely finds in the United States. Please contact us on our website. Lunchtable, Travel Noire, World Hue, Entrepreneurship, Black Entrepreneurs Abroad, Culture, Fayida Jailer, Photo by Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images for BET, American Woman Kidnapped by Family and Allegedly Forced to marry for A $500K Dowry, Going on a Cruise Vacation? Currently, there are an estimated 5,000 African-Americans living in Ghana. We want you to use this ceremony to look back to your roots.. Momma & Kids Too. If you are married to a Ghanaian, after a number of years residency in Ghana, you can apply to the Ministry of the Interior for dual citizenship. If citizenship is granted at the local level, than it should be the predominant language of that country that is required. L'inscription et faire des offres sont gratuits. WebGhana recognizes Dual Citizenship for the Involuntary African Diaspora. Please inform Chief X that I need to speak with him. +(233) 302 68 44 21 In June, the president embarked on a five-nation tour of the Caribbean to promote the initiative. President Nana Akufo-Addo sent the countrys traditional kente cloth to Floyds family after his funeral in Houston. Disgraceful. Ghana grants citizenship to African Americans & Caribbeans as part of beyond the return initiative. Also, if they can help Africans learn the Africa First concept that leads to less corrupt leaders, then having dedicated AAs who want to help work towards progress should not be considered a bad thing. Ghanas history of plural citizenship has been coloured by its colonial ties, commonwealth origins, migration policies, porous borders and leading role in Pan-Africanism. WebFor example, during the 2019 Year of Return 126 African diaspora were granted citizenship. Until Africa faces this harsh reality concerns about African-Americans the neo-slaves are the least of Africas problems! Perhaps landlocked countries that had fewer slaves feel that there is less linkage to African-Americans or perhaps there is the larger question involved as Anor, editor of Asante magazine aptly notes, Just because your genetics show you came from a place, should that mean you can lay claim to that group of people or place now?. Indias diaspora is widespread and includes many Indians living abroad that have been in foreign land for generations. Aform of OCA statusmay bethe way forward for brand Africa. In drawing parallels with India, in Africas case, African-Americans living in the U.S are also several generations removed, and also did not migrate purely from their own free will. Requirements for applying for Ghanaian citizenship are as follows: -To be 18 years or older -To have resided in Ghana for at least 12 months before applying -To In spite of these abuses, African Americans fought and died for the United States. Shes studying one of the local dialects, Twi, and mulling dual citizenship. Tulsa Race Massacre survivors, 108 and 102, given Ghana citizenship. Hajia Alima Mahama, Ghanas first female ambassador to the United States, explained to the crowd that Fletcher and Ellis would become dual citizens. Oprahs much publicized school in South Africamay have beenbuilt in South Africa in part, due to her belief that she wasof Zulu origin. In response to the idea that we should only have citizenship in America and cannot understand why we even call ourselves African-Americans (yet want to return to Africa because we KNOW that we belong), I believe that you are proving that you know nothing about your displaced brothers and sisters so heres a tip: think of us as ONE, STRONG tribe that refused to have ANYTHING taken away from us INCLUDING our American citizenship for which our ancestors died for each and every day! Ghana is a very peaceful country, she said. Viola Ford Fletcher, 108, and Hughes Van Ellis, 102, are the oldest African Americans to be granted citizenship in Ghana. We @Siakaborn2ball have made a commitment to our country of Sierra Leone, with hope of positive change as our drive. Shes eyeing a plot near Kumasi, the capital of the southern Ashanti region. Bangladesh in Fiji in the Oceania region will also get the facility. Cost and Processing Time. One needs to consider the current image of Africa in the Americas. Reese made a similar calculation in deciding to leave Ohio. With the political climate, people are really looking to get here as soon as they can, Cheetham said. Bangladesh in Fiji in the Oceania region Yes, weve already had one, and here are her love letters. Throughout the trip, they rode in a presidential motorcade, with a police escort. In America, they were forced to obey, forced to submit to rape, forced to endure severe punishments and finally, forced to succumb to death. Youve been kept down for much too long. Her mind has lately strayed to Ghana, where one trip turned into a three-year visas worth of regular visits. Ninette Danquah Ivo, minister counselor at the Ghanian Embassy, told Fletcher on Tuesday: You are a formidable woman. ONLINE CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION, A SECURITY THREAT IN MINISTER REVIEWS BIMBILLA CURFEW DUE TO SPORADIC GUNFIR OUR ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO MAINTAIN PEACE AND SECURITY Research Statistics and Information Management Directorate (RSIM), Policy Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, Human Resource Management and Development Directorate, National Disaster Management Organization, National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons, Licensing of Private Security Organization, Permit to Import and Licence Firearm (Pistol), Registration of Minor as Citizen of Ghana, Permit to Import/Export Arms and Ammunition, STATUTORY PUBLIC HOLIDAYS AND COMMEMORATIVE DAYS IN THE REPUBLIC OF GHANA FOR THE YEAR 2023. dual citizenYou must file for and pay U.S. taxes for life. You will have to disclose any previous encounters with law enforcement. When USCIS evaluates your citizenship application, they will closely examine your background history. U.S. law may require you to serve in the military. You must serve on a jury if summoned. Jury duty is mandatory. With Tuesday's ceremony at the Ghanaian Embassy, Fletcher (108) and Ellis (102) have become the oldest living African Americans to be granted citizenship of the Republic of Ghana, Justice For Greenwood announced. Mohammed proclaimed Fletcher and Ellis 100 percent Ghanaian, as the crowd stood for the Ghanaian national anthem. WebChercher les emplois correspondant African countries that offer dual citizenship to african american ou embaucher sur le plus grand march de freelance au monde avec plus de 22 millions d'emplois. Initially when I got there, I had zero expectations, she said. Ghana has extended such invitations for decades. +(233) 299 01 53 52 Fletcher kept saying, I want to see Africa, Goodwin recalled. Earlier this year, the government waived visa requirements for some countries and slashed the cost of a visa on arrival in half in hopes that heritage tourism will bring in much-needed revenue. Also, if African Americans are bringing their money and experience from being oppressed for over 400 years, they should have the right to vote after a trial period since they will more than likely be required to pay taxes. BOX M42, Accra)You will also need to present valid identification which contains your photo, date of birth, name, nationality and address on it. No part of this site may be reproduced without our written permission. A handful of Americans accepted that mission. The new countries to be put on the dual citizenship list include 19 in Africa, 12 in South America, and 12 in the Caribbeans. Purchase of Naturalization Form 5An application letter addressed to the Minister for the interior applying for Naturalization as a citizen of Ghana.Copy of Residence permit (current page) or Indefinite residence permitMore items In May, an Oklahoma judge ruled that the lawsuit could move forward. Jackson became a Gabonese citizen after tracing his It is an honor and privilege to be a member of Ghana., Ibrahim Mohammed Awal, Ghanas minister for tourism, arts and culture, welcomed Fletcher and Ellis to the West African nation. Her home had been ravaged by fire, leaving her and hundreds of others without any of their possessions and livelihoods. If this happens, the process has to begin all over again. This year marks 400 years since the anchoring of an English ship in Jamestown, Virginia in the United States carrying a small group of enslaved Africans. AtAU level, then any language should suffice. On their trip, they also met Ghanas president, Nana Akufo-Addo, who approved the process for granting them Ghanaian citizenship and gave Fletcher a plot of land in the capital, Accra. The Rev. African Americans in Ghana and A post shared by Samuel L Jackson (@samuelljackson) on Jul 29, 2019 at 12:54pm PDT. Now old pain swirls with renewed fears: What if police stop her teenage son on his walk to the recreation center? In cases where the application does not meet the requirement, the application is sent back to applicant to meet all the requirements. WebDuring the Fifth AfricanAfrican American Summit which took place in Ghana in 1999, dual citizenship and the Right of Abode were high on the agenda (cf. Her fiance grew up there. their daughters, and the rappers mother with a gift of dual citizenship to her That is what we are doing today.. The U.S. State Department refused to renew his passport while he was living there, so Du Bois chose to naturalize as a citizen of Ghana in 1963. What are you talking about! WebGHANA ENTRY REQUIREMENTS All persons entering Ghana must be in possession of a valid passport or Travel Document establishing the identity of the holder. WebPurchase of Dual Citizenship Form 10 at the Ministry of the Interior or our Diplomatic Missions abroad. Fletcher and Ellis were children when a White mob descended on the all-Black neighborhood of Greenwood in Tulsa on May 31, 1921, destroying one of the countrys most prosperous Black communities. APPLICANT NEEDS PURCHASES APPLICATION FORM ($250.00 FORM IS NOT FREE). In South Africafor example, the people of Indian origin have been there since the late 19th centuryand early 20th century. The new countries to be put on the dual citizenship list include 19 in Africa, 12 in South America, and 12 in the Caribbeans. This article was published more than2 years ago. That is Africa.. In May 2019, comedian and actress Tiffany Haddish traveled to Eritrea where she gained the countrys citizenship from her fathers home country. 2023 - All Rights with The Financial Express. Individuals can also apply for Ghanaian citizenship if they have contributed in any documented area that promotes national interest. An application letter addressed to the Minister for the interior applying for Right of Abode. Fletcher and Ellis, along with Lessie Benningfield Randle (108), are among the last-known living survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Passport or Travel Document establishing the identity of the local dialects,,! Fees are waived for members of the Interior or our Diplomatic Missions abroad planned to return two. Fraught with red tape and byzantine rules the new Year with dual citizenship here as soon they... They have contributed in any documented area that promotes national interest let me in celebrity, she.. 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