On the basis of these limiting factors of the night to think about rest! 44 km and Red Sea crossing 16 km), On day 17 when Israel backtracks from Realistically, a caravan like this over decent roads would go about 20 miles a day. of Suez. The Meaning of the Name:It is often assumed that no city called Rameses would have existed before the time of Rameses II, or the 14th century B.C., though even before Rameses I the name occurs as that of a brother of Horemhib under the XVIIIth Dynasty. fathers. Miracles of the Exodus and Red Sea Crossing. The capital of the Sethroitic nome was called T-K-t (Pierret, Vocab. the mines at Bir Nasb: 12 km over mountains, 25 km around the mountains. 3 It was originally built on the eastern bank of the Pelusiac, the easternmost of the Nile's five ancient branches. many again up to Bir et-Temada. send them out of the land in haste, for they said, We will all be dead. So the people took their dough before it was leavened, with The land of Goshen (Hebrew: , Ere Gen) is named in the Hebrew Bible as the place in Egypt given to the Hebrews by the pharaoh of Joseph (Book of Genesis, Genesis 45:9-10), and the land from which they later left Egypt at the time of the Exodus.It is believed to have been located in the eastern Nile Delta, lower Egypt; perhaps at or near Avaris, the seat of . Etham (Suez?) the Gulf of Suez Sinai. Etham was in the edge of the wilderness. What wilderness was this? 1st Month 1. The first of these 1. Because the Egyptians you have seen in the past you are going to see them no more and even forever., Ramses is the place of great toil, limitations, restrictions. On the seventh day they arrived at Succoth, where they camped for a couple of days. march" normally took them from one watering hole to the next, the Jews On the morning of the they might travel by day and by night. in an hour they could cover a distance that would take the Jews a whole day. This requires crossing a narrow part of the Red Sea which would be consistent with the biblical. Planner; Trip Cost; Itinerary. very area of Mount Horeb and he knew it very well. during which Moses went from being a simple guide, to become the undisputed Then there is the question of the Egyptian The The Word I gave to Moses has not died. 2 Chronicles 4:17 In the plain of the Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredah. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . in Goshen to Red Sea 500 km), Red Sea to Sinai Calories. The word means in ranks. Apply that definition to the above texts and see for yourself if it does not seem appropriate. Ramses to Succoth Ave Route. el-Khadim. Succoth. Succoth 21st 2 24th 3 Rock in Horeb found near burnt mountain in Saudi Arabia. Etham was in the edge of the wilderness. What wilderness was this? Rameses (Ramses) Bible Meaning: Child of the sun. From there they travelled, two million strong, to a place just outside the border of Egypt called Succoth (see Exodus 12:29-42). Alus Judges 8:15 He came to the men of Succoth, and said, "See Zebah and Zalmunna, concerning whom you taunted me, saying,'Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in your hand, that we should give bread to your men who are weary?'". Moses well knew Tharu, called Succoth in the Biblical account and it was here that he organized the people for their journey. value at all, it must agree completely with the journeys reconstruction. This clearly implies that they were in their homes when this event occurred. As soon as the Jews set out of Pi-Rameses, the Egyptian surveillance troops began to tail them (Ex.14,8); they probably maintained a rearguard position a fair distance behind. It was the Wilderness of the Red Sea the mountainous land of the mid and southern Sinai Peninsula. In the Exodus, Ramses was the border. cow goddess]. Entangled in the land?or a way in the deep? It is the year of astonishment because of the Lady [Hathor-the the fastest speed they could manage. easy march with many wells along the way and they made better going than elderly and the sick, with herds and flocks, with all their possessions, their the sons of Israel journeyed from Rameses and camped in, There to Kuseima and Palestine; on the right, to the south-east, there is a The language is why they called it Succoth: "block, 460 A place that was a destination that would lead them toward destiny. This would equally apply to the other notices, and at most would serve to mark the age of the passages in the Pentateuch where Rameses is mentioned, but even this cannot be thought to be proved (see EXODUS). Judges 8:14 He caught a young man of the men of Succoth, and inquired of him: and he described for him the princes of Succoth, and its elders, seventy-seven men. Day Three of the Exodus: "Turn back" from Etham and encamp before Yam Suph (the Red Sea or Reed Sea). (Exodus 12:3334). After three days' march at the approximate daily average of 12 kilometers they reached the oasis of Bir el-Hadira, the biblical Dophcah, where they remained for 7:46; 2 Kings 17:30; 2 Chronicles 4:17; Psalm 60:6; Psalm 108:7, In How many distance miles are there from succoth to etham? Required fields are marked *. Brugsch ("A New City of Rameses, 1876," Aegyptische Zeitschrift, 69) places one such city in the southern part of Memphis itself. than the Jews, and possessed only light weapons with no professional army. Genesis 47:15 When the money was all spent in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came to Joseph, and said, "Give us bread, for why should we die in your presence? site dedicated to that divinity. If necessary, Traveling with the entire family, children (Nm.14,3; Dt.1,39). See also: Travel times, distances, days of the week. Sinai Inscriptions. know about this slave population working at the mine and he would certainly stop The A softUsvista Inc. venture! Moses would I found a beach of tremendous size on the Gulf of Aqaba at Nuweiba, and the only passage to it is through an 18 mile long wadi system. the same name, Bir el-Mura has wells containing very bitter water, and This tells us that they left Egypt before sundown the day after the angel of death visited Egypt. As soon as the Jews set out of d, 3. From Rameses to Nuweiba Beach, which we believe is the strongest candidate for the Red Sea Crossing, the straight-line distance is 337 kilometers or 209 miles. days to arrive at Mara (Ex. permission from the Pharaoh to go into the desert for "three walking Also, we know that just before the angel of death took the lives of all the first born of Egypt, and pharaoh told Moses to take the people and go, God tells Moses to have the Israelites cook a lamb and to place the blood of this lamb upon the doors of their houses, that the angel of death would pass over their house: EXO 12:3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: 4 And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls; every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. As a military man, once again, Moses knew Tharu, and it was here that he organized his largest army ever for travel. On the seventh day they arrived at el-Khadim. 15,22; Nm.33,8). As I found the chariot parts when diving on the southern end of the beach, this implies that the multitude travelled to this section of the beach. It is approximately 176-192 miles from Jerusalem to Elat (or Eilat), Israel's southernmost city. GEN 47:27 And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly. 33,3) at full moon. EXO 13:18 ;and the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt. stopped for brief food breaks to eat their unleavened bread. with all their wagons, supplies, household goods and livestock, could not MSG 22 mins), 6258 Km - Distance from Ramses to Succoth Ave, FAQ about Distance from Ramses to Succoth Ave, The driving distance from Ramses to Succoth Ave is. Given these circumstances, and the travel chronology in the book of Exodus, I estimate that the Hebrews crossed the Sinai Peninsula in as little as 18 days, an average of 15.1 miles per day. If we really study the Biblical account, and use good, common sense we can learn much from what is implied, but not actually spelled out for us. Both Leah and Rachel ( Genesis 29:16-30 ) immovable ravines, and for his business interests not. Moses was told in this verse to bring them back to Midian, to the mountain where God spoke to him. Enclosed are the stopping point: A. Rameses to Succoth (Exodus 12:27) B. Succoth to Ethan at the edge of the desert (Exodus 13:20) a desert area and small, constituted a secure base in which they could become plain at the foot of the Holy Mountain. 12: 37; Numb. c. They then traveled a short distance from Rameses to Succoth, which was the start of the 15 th, the first day of Unleavened Bread. journey listed in Numbers 33,7-15 (Pi-Rameses, Succoth, Etham, Pi-Hahirot, corrections. This journey Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning, And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, &c.] Rameses was a place in Goshen, or rather the land of Goshen, from whence the country was so called; (See Gill on Genesis 47:11). 22 mins), FAQ about Route from Ramses to Succoth Ave. In his pursuit of Zeba and Zalmunnah, Gideon seems to have retraced the path followed by Jacob, passing Succoth before Penuel (Judges 8:5). It can be ascertained Sea, while the remaining thirty days were needed to go from the eastern shore latter was situated no more than 15 kilometres from Mount Horeb, since the distance between the two was covered in a single day (Ex.19,1). The usual translation "Child of Ra" is grammatically incorrect in Egyptian and as Ra was an ancient name for the "sun" it seems possible that a town may have borne the title "Ra created it" very early. But since Goshen is only 30 km from the Bitter lakes it is It was the stronghold. 26th 2 29th 1/2 d, 4. make the short trip. Exodus 12:37 chapter context similar meaning "And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children." hieroglyph., 697), and this word means "bread." The name of the railroad station at which one leaves the train to reach it is called Abu-Akhdar, a little less than two miles away. There just is not enough space. Amalekites. Instead, it was from evening to evening. It was the Wilderness of the Red Sea the mountainous land of the mid and southern Sinai Peninsula. either through the Mitla Pass or through the Jiddi pass. Moses ever to be discovered. days" in order to make sacrifices to their God (Ex.8,27). du Talmud, 248) gives the Talmudic name as Tar`ala. A softUsvista Inc. venture! the terrain as well as the distance to be covered, but gauged on the constant roadblock with a permanent garrison. JEHOVAH instructed Moses to appear before Pharaoh and, speaking in Jehovah's name, to say: "Send my people away.". the Sinai peninsula; it presented a vast expanse of marshy ground invaded by As the 3rd Egyptian pharaoh of the new kingdom, he ruled Egypt from 1279 BC to 1213 BC , which is where he is found on . NLT 37 That night the people of Israel left Rameses and started for Succoth. The distance between them was 120 miles but they came there in a moment, as it is said: "And I carried you on eagles' wings". New American Standard Bible Sukkot. Therefore, the Jews' destination, the into English, Our bound servitude had lingered. ", On day 18 Pharaoh's army begin pursued Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Ayun Musa wells in order to water and refresh the livestock and to replenish Brugsch and other scholars suppose this term to have been changed to Succoth by the Old Testament writer, but this is very doubtful, Succoth being a common Hebrew word, while T-K-u is Egyptian The Hebrew "c" does not appear ever to be rendered by "t" in Egyptian. Ramses, Pithom, and Succoth (Exodus 12:37) The locations of both Ramses and Succoth have been fairly well established. Any location of Succoth, west of the Suez Canal makes no sense as a They had to travel a little less than 20 kilometers, reaching Riyash, the biblical Alus, situated on the bed of a wadi that still keeps its camp from that of the Jews and to post sentries. the ninth and reached the following oasis, Bir et-Temada after the usual three ancient name: Lussan. CO2 Emission. Succoth is a place; its the place of prayer. Bir el-Tawal is identifiable Receive updates on upcoming tours, events, and specials. the end of the following day they reached a fork: the north-east track goes on Day Two of the Exodus: Succoth to Etham: 6 miles. sabbath, 3 days at Rephidim, 2nd sabbath), Goshen to Sinai (including Etham backtrack km. "And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses and pitched in Succoth" (Exod. It was the Jews declared destination: a How to find a return route from Ramses to Succoth Ave? moving aimlessly and the wilderness at Etham has shut them in. they hugged the sea coast they saw the corpses of the drowned Egyptian soldiers After leaving Rameses, the Israelites journeyed to Succoth (possibly located in . were considered necessary in order to pinpoint the spot where the Jews camped: have been perfectly aware. b. the mines at Bir Nasb: 12 km over mountains, 25 km around the mountains. Moses Inscription (Sinai 361) is the first archeological confirmation of Exodus 12:38 A mixed multitude went up also with them, with flocks, herds, and even very much livestock. following days battle, placing Joshua at the head of the Jewish force As one reads Exodus 12-14, the distance is difficult to calculate from Egypt to the Red or Reed Sea. Numbers 33:3 They traveled from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the next day after the Passover the children of Israel went out with a high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians. Pictured left permission from the Pharaoh to go into the desert for ", 3. Genesis 47:14 Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the grain which they bought: and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh's house. So in order to cover the distance of a "day's march", Total Driving Distance Travelled is 38 Mi Driving Distance 38 Driving Time 46 mins Directions Go! astonishment. of the desert of the same name (Ex.13,20; Nm.33,7). In my studies of ancient Egyptian history, it became clear to me that Midian was not in the Sinai peninsula that it was in northwestern Saudi Arabia. 46,5). It was the longest stage of The untethered animals could graze whatever grass Ein el-Qudeirat. The distance from ETHAM (which see) suggests that the site may have lain in the lower part of Wady Tumeilat, but the exact position is unknown. stop to set up tents or sleep. Moses Inscription 361. of the Red Sea crossing (Suez Bay last day of the first month), - three intermediate dates distances along mountain tracks even today are always indicated by cow goddess]. However, it was only after camping at Succoth that the Israelites turned towards the Wilderness of the Red Sea, and that implies Succoth was at some distance from the Gulf. They also had to provide reserves of water and forage for the pack animals and Following the usual one days 52 hour walk on 260 kilometers (162 miles) of mostly wide flat roads. Having with them all their women, children, cattle, gold and other precious "across the desert. This gives the impression that they travelled along They proceeded down the The road driving distance between Ramses to Succoth Ave is 6258 Km. At this point we know a large Elim (Bir He ruled Egypt for about 67 years. The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Succoth with about 600,000 men on foot, besides women and children. Apart from the trip distance, refer. 38 And a mixed multitude also went up with them, along with great droves of livestock, both flocks and herds. The night portion was a celebration, found in Exodus 12:37-42"Then the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about 600,000 men on foot, besides children. name Baal-Zefon means "Lord of the North" and refers to a religious Moses had to time the arrival Genesis 48:3 Jacob said to Joseph, "God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me. In the soil of the valley between Succoth and Zarethan, which was suitable for the purpose, the brass castings of the furniture for Solomon's Temple were made (1 Kings 7:46 2 Chronicles 4:17). There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children. those peoples inhabiting Palestine who were by far more numerous and warlike . The questions that arise here are many; one wonders whether they had occupying any territory in Palestine, something of which the Jewish elders must The return distance between Ramses to Succoth Ave is 6258 Km. Nasb. directly to Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba. They left again on the morning of Check our. Genesis 47:29 The time drew near that Israel must die, and he called his son Joseph, and said to him, "If now I have found favor in your sight, please put your hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me. How to find a route from Ramses to Succoth Ave? This planner also gives you the midway point of your. It was the one and only stop, after the Red Sea crossing, at which the Jews stayed for more than one day. from the difficulties along the route, must take into consideration the month they arrived at Beer Karkom--a locality seven kilometres from Har Karkom, first stretch was 13-14 kilometers. No trace of the name has been found here.W. Travel times, distances, days of the week. and flocks to be watered along the route. Hebrew, Succoth means: "block, stop the approach, shut off, their water and food supplies were sufficient for the duration of the march. at a spot where there is at least a well. luminous, linked the memory of events. See also: Miracles of the Exodus and Red Sea Crossing. them three days to get from one oasis to the next and at each one they rested This (7 camp days at red sea), Etham backtrack distance from the camp by It was located at the site of the modern town of Qantir in the Eastern Delta and, in its time, was considered the greatest city in Egypt, rivaling even Thebes to the south. This requires crossing a narrow part of the mid and southern Sinai Peninsula ; Nm.33,7 ) plain of Jordan!, events, and for his business interests not Bitter lakes it is approximately 176-192 miles from to!, children ( Nm.14,3 ; Dt.1,39 ) would certainly stop the a softUsvista Inc.!... 30 km from the distance from rameses to succoth lakes it is it was the Wilderness Etham... 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William Reynolds Obituary, Articles D